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Peace Lutheran Church
Engage God Engage Each Other Engage the World
We pray for the families of...

We pray for all those affected by our broken world. We look to the Lord of all Justice to bring justice and mercy to all as we seek him and work for his coming Kingdom. Amen. Come Lord Jesus!
George Floyd
Ahmaud Arbery
Breonna Taylor
Eric Hash
Damon Gutzwiller
Patrick Underwood
David Dorn
Rashard Brooks
Julian Keen, Jr.
Amaria Jones
Horace Lorenzo Anderson, Jr.
Anthony Dia
Natalie Wallace
Treyford Pellerin
Jacob Blake
Ibrie Combs
Walter Wallace
Adam Toledo
Daunte Wright
Patrick Lyoya
Roberta A. Drury
Margus D. Morrison
Andre Mackneil
Aaron Salter
Geraldine Talley
Celestine Chaney
Heyward Patterson
Katherine Massey
Pearl Young
Ruth Whitfield
Christopher Braden
Tyre Nichols...
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