Peace Lutheran Church
Engage God Engage Each Other Engage the World
Peace Lutheran Church is a loving church community where you can find deep relationships, acceptance, inspiring worship and opportunities to serve those in need. We seek to help people engage God so that we can engage each other in true, healing community and engage the world with Jesus' love in a way that makes a real and lasting difference.
Adult Bible Study 8:45 A.M.
Come join us as we wrestle with God's Word and what it means for us today. Questions are welcome. We may not have all the answers but we are learning and growing. We would love for you to come, learn, and grow with us. To attend contact: Todd 907-259-5115
Do you have questions or just need to talk?
Call or text Todd 907-259-5115 or email: todd@peacemonroe.org

Worship Celebration
Every Sunday
10:00 AM
Children's Message and
Children's Church
Also on Facebook Live
via our Facebook page.
What to expect when joining our service.
Join by phone click here for instructions.