Peace Lutheran Church
Engage God Engage Each Other Engage the World
The Why and What of Peace Lutheran Church
Peace Lutheran Church is a community of Jesus followers. We follow Jesus, live for Jesus, and share the love of Jesus.
We are committed to loving God, loving others, and living like Jesus. We are committed to growing in Christ and bringing others to Him.
We engage God in Worship, Sacrament, Prayer, and lives of Service.
We engage in a “learning” lifestyle so that we understand how our lives are a part of God's Story.
We engage in authentic loving relationships that build up our faith community.
We engage our world in times of joy, celebration, struggle, trial, and need.
We engage in following Jesus by sharing our lives in Christ with others.
We passionately engage in service to those whom God loves especially those who are suffering in the world.
We engage in sacrificial service to the community through our relationships within the city of Monroe.
Every member is a disciple.
Every member is on a mission.
Every member is a worshiper.
Every member is a steward of the gifts of God.